Kitchen sinks and bar sinks are the most popular locations. But will it fit in those locations?First of all, it is important to point out that the ‘faucet’ part of the system fits into any regular faucet hole in your counter. There are two things to look for: 1) an available faucet hole, or an area available by a sink to create a new faucet hole. 2) space in sink cabinet for the filtering/ionization system.
Faucet holes can be made available by a) removing an existing faucet b) changing the existing faucet that has the spout and handle in separate holes to a newer faucet that has the handle attached to the spout c) removing a soap dispenser d) removing an existing filtered water faucet e) changing the existing faucet that has a separate hole for the spray f) drilling a new hole
The space needed in the sink cabinet is 5 1/2” wide x 14 1/8” long x 14” high.
A typical sink cabinet has the sink and plumbing located in the center of the cabinet, leaving the sides as potential areas to place this system. There may be a garbage disposal that is occupying space in the sink cabinet. Installation of the system is EASY with the clear instructions provided.Box fits in sink cabinet
Retail price is $4995.00 (call me for discounted pricing.) Considering that bottled 9.0 alkaline water sells for $3.00 bottle and massages cost around $95 (are you buying large bottled water and carrying it home?) and that this system successfully filters out all contaminants AND has the option of producing Alkaline water, this investment is well worth the money spent. This is a household ‘appliance’ that has far reaching health benefits for your entire family.