Sewage in Seattle

Seattle has always been know for its' abundance of water, but if we do no do anything quickly we will soon be known for our BROWN TOXIC Water -  as in 30 million gallons of raw sewage that has been dumped into Puget Sound.   Yes, our clean, green, pristine city is participating in one of the worst environmental contaminations in recent history.  WHY?  King County has not been able to fix the equipment failure of February 9th.   Apparently though, crews are 'working' on it and county officials hope to have the problem fixed by the end of April, almost 3 months from the spill. REALLY?


This is a public health disaster, it is harming to marine life, harmful to people who eat contaminated seafood, it is harmful to people who enter the water because of the exposure to disease causing germs.  Currently, King County's treatment plant is in violation of the Federal clean-water laws and is in violation of its clean-water permit and will most likely face fines.  As a King County tax payer I have experienced a huge increase in my property taxes. If my tax dollars are not keeping important infrastructures such as the treatment plant in working order, where have they been going?

What caused this disaster that has no name?  It started with an electrical failure that set in motion other problems.  No mention as to what caused the electrical failure or if the plant had passed inspections. (I assume they have inspections, right?)  However, a plant manager said that the real problem was that the electrical failure was 'exacerbated' by the peak capacity the plant was working at 'because of heavy rain.'  REALLY?  Seattle has heavy rain?   

 Sounding like a trailer for a bad movie, officials said 'a wall of water hit the treatment plant at the very same moment the massive pumps failed.'   REALLY?